Referral Information

If you are a provider and are wanting to refer a patient to our office, please fax the applicable information as indicated below.

Pain Referrals:

  • Referral signed by referring provider

  • Patient demographics

  • Insurance information
    *please include both front and back of the patient’s insurance card(s) *

  • Reason for the referral and contact information of referring provider
    (Name of referring provider, NPI, Address, Phone, and Fax)

  • Office notes (last three)

  • Labs, XRays, MRIs, CTs

  • Warning letters or letters of dismissal

Please fax the above information to:
Fax #: 405.285.7546
Attn: New Patient Coordinator

**Our office will contact you when your patient has been scheduled

Sleep Referrals:

  • Referral signed by referring provider

  • Patient demographics

  • Insurance information
    *please include both front and back of the patient’s insurance card(s) *

  • Reason for the referral and contact information of referring provider
    (Name of referring provider, NPI, Address, Phone, and Fax)

  • Office notes (last three)

  • Previous sleep study, if any

Please fax the above information to:
Fax #: 405.285.7546
Attn: New Patient Coordinator

**Our office will contact you when your patient has been scheduled

Workers’ Compensation Referrals:

  • Referral signed by referring provider

  • Patient demographics

  • Workers’ Compensation (WC) information

  • Name of WC Carrier

  • Claim Id #

  • Social Security #

  • Date of Injury

  • Employer

  • WC diagnosis codes

  • Adjuster Name, address, phone #, and fax #

  • Reason for the referral and contact information of referring provider
    (Name of referring provider, NPI, Address, Phone, and Fax)

  • Office notes (last three)

  • Labs, XRays, MRIs, CTs

  • Warning letters or letters of dismissal

Please fax the above information to:
Fax #: 405.285.7546
Attn: New Patient Coordinator

**Our office will contact you when your patient has been scheduled

We are currently not accepting MVA patients.